Building and Furniture Decommission

Brownsworth the know-how to “do it right” when decommissioning an old facility. If disposed in a landfill, the average furniture workstation will occupy 135 cubic feet of earth. We are committed to a “zero land fill goal” when disposing of your decommissioned furniture. The following methods are implemented to fulfill this goal:

  • Find a buyer for your furniture. Our Account Managers can help you determine a value and utilize our large network of furniture brokers to get the best price available.
  • Donate the furniture to a non-profit for reuse.
  • Disassemble, sort and recycle parts and pieces of furniture to off-set labor costs.
  • Refurbish furniture for backroom operations
  • Deliver all non-recyclable items to Hennepin Energy Recycling Center (HERC)

Contact us today so Brownsworth can help you decommission your vacated facilities or work stations in a “green” way.